Formal Curriculum

We work collaboratively in order to provide opportunities for all learners to thrive and integrate into our school and the wider community.

  • We are ambitious for all learners and want them to be: Engaged, inspired and motivated students who enjoy and contribute to learning, make progress and are challenged to achieve above and beyond expectations;
  • Confident individuals who are able to lead safe, healthy & fulfilling lives, making successful transitions in to adulthood;
  • Educated, responsible citizens who share ‘British Values’ and have the cultural capital to make a positive contribution to life in modern Britain.

At Wargrave we implement a stage approach to the curriculum as not all learners can access learning at the same chronological age as their peers. Therefore, the National Curriculum is adapted so that the required content is covered but at a level and pace suitable for our learners.

  • At Wargrave all learners have the opportunity to experience a broad and balanced Life Skills curriculum which covers relationships, sex education, basic first aid and health education including mental health and well-being.
  • At Wargrave we follow the Gatsby Benchmarks for careers education and implement a careers programme from year 7 onwards including accredited learning courses in employability at KS4.
  • At Wargrave we always strive to develop our young people and ensure that our curriculum provides opportunities for learners to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding as well as their knowledge and understanding of British values.
  • Our Adapted National Curriculum follows a one year spiral to allow for regular revisiting and reinforcement of the curriculum content at an age appropriate level.

Key Stage 1-4 Curriculum Statement

Intent: (What do we want our students to learn and why?)

We intend to work collaboratively in order to provide opportunities for all students to thrive and integrate into our school and the wider community.

To this end, our curriculum aims are to develop:

  • Engaged, inspired and motivated learners who enjoy and contribute to learning, make progress and are challenged to achieve above and beyond expectations;
  • Confident individuals who are able to lead safe, healthy & fulfilling lives, making successful transitions in to adulthood;
  • Responsible citizens who share ‘British Values’ and make a positive contribution to life in modern Britain;
  • Provide a rigorous approach to the teaching of reading which develops learners’ confidence and enjoyment of reading for pleasure.


How do we organise teaching and learning?

The curriculum is an entirely personalised learning experience and we believe that every moment is a learning opportunity. Learners are grouped by ability and age and we organise learning in to four distinct phases:


Currently we offer Key Stage 2-4 with an additional group of learners on the Engage program in Key Stage 4

Download Curriculum Documents:

5-16 Curriculum Intent Statement 2020-21
5-16 Curriculum Overview 2020-21

Curriculum Phases:



What have our young people learnt and how do we know?

We use a wide variety of data to identify individual learner progress measures including assessment data, Accreditation, EHCP outcomes and destination data. These are tracked and assessed through varied accountability measures including Quality Assurance and Appraisal, where CPD needs are also identified.

Priorities for development are then identified in the School improvement plan (SIP). Quality of Education Reports provides a summary of the accountability measures and informs the School Self-Evaluation Form (SEF) and Governor Scrutiny.

Curriculum Leads:

  • Caroline Gorman – English
  • Maggie Gadsby – Humanities (History, Geography, RE)
  • Denim Robertson – PE
  • Dave Whittaker – Computing
  • Lucy Casilli – Science
  • Liam Barton – Maths
  • Rebecca Orme –Expressive Arts
  • Caroline Gorman – Life
  • Yvette Carr – Employability (CEIAG)
  • Caroline Gorman – Curriculum & Assessment

The core subjects follow a variety of appropriate, tailored accreditation pathways designed for the individual learner these look at providing opportunities for further education or employment.

Learners follow GCSE, Functional Level, Entry Level, and ASDAN routes to accreditation.

Wargrave House School
449 Wargrave Road
Newton Le Willows
Merseyside WA12 8RS


T: 01925 224899

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