Ofsted and Associated Reports

Staff capture young people’s aspirations in person-centred planning. The staff support them to experiment with communication methods. They encourage them to try a wide range of activities and learn new ways to manage their feelings.

Autism Accreditation

Pupil Premium

Pupil premium is government funding aimed at improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools. Schools can decide how they spend this funding and often it will benefit the whole school.

At Wargrave House School we recognise that some learners from disadvantaged backgrounds require additional support, yet all of our learners are classed as vulnerable, having a diagnosis of autism identified in their EHCP. For this reason, we use our pupil premium so it benefits both eligible learners and our wider cohort with their identified needs.

Although our strategy is focused on the needs of disadvantaged learners, it will benefit all learners in our school where funding is spent on whole-school approaches, such as high-quality teaching. Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed below, is the intention that outcomes for non-disadvantaged pupils will be improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers.

We will also provide disadvantaged learners with support to develop independent life and social skills and continue to ensure that high-quality work experience, careers guidance and further and higher education guidance is available to all.


PE and Sport Premium

PE and Sport Premium is government funding aimed at supporting schools providing opportunities and experiences for students to join in a wide range of sports and physical activities.

Physical activity is beneficial to many aspects of children’s lives including building confidence, developing co-ordination and improving mental and emotional wellbeing.

PE and Sports Premium should be used to provide additional and suistainable improvements to the PE, sport and physical activity already in place.

The UK government proposes schools should prioritise spending to improve in the following 5 key areas:

  • To increase staff’s confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport
  • To increase engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport
  • To raise the profile of PE and sport across the school, and support whole school improvement
  • To offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils
  • To increase participation in competitive sport

Wargrave House School offers:

Some of the additional alternative sporting activities on offer at Wargrave House School are Orienteering, Indoor Climbing, Rock Climbing, Rebound Therapy and a wide range of outdoor activities and trips.


Wargrave House School
449 Wargrave Road
Newton Le Willows
Merseyside WA12 8RS

E: enquiries@wargravehouse.com

T: 01925 224899

Donate to our charity here:


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